The Linux kernel is one the largest open source projects in the world with thousands of developers contributing code and millions of lines of code changed for ... ... <看更多>
The Linux kernel is one the largest open source projects in the world with thousands of developers contributing code and millions of lines of code changed for ... ... <看更多>
Linux kernel source tree. Contribute to torvalds/linux development by creating an account on GitHub. ... <看更多>
有鑑於Linux Kernel 的高度複雜。本討論區提供從業人員,或有興趣的開發者以開放的心胸,盡興的交換知識,增長知識。 由於Facebook 的瀏覽模式,無法做很有系統的知識 ... ... <看更多>
Linux is the kernel. That's what Linus wrote and that's what the kernel developers continue to work on today. It controls the hardware. An ... ... <看更多>
Thomas Graf is co-founder & CTO at Isovalent and creator of the Cilium project. Before this, he has been a Linux kernel developer at Red Hat for ... ... <看更多>